Henvisning til Gynækologisk klinik Niels Lund

A reference to the Gynecologist Niels Lund (LinkedIn)  is done by patients in syesikringsgruppe 1 are referred by the GP and treatment is free of charge.
Are you patient in health insurance group 2 it will again require a referral from your family doctor and / or self-appointment on tel: 64 40 00 46 and you will only pay a small fee to the gynecologist.
All referrals are sent electronically to Gynecologist Niels Lund on Baby.dk  (own GP is informed)
You appointment by contacting our secretary on tel: 64 40 00 46 or by emailing us (we mailer return with a confirmation)
Looking abortion, you do not need a reference and therefore, you can contact the gynecologist Niels Lund directly.
Address Gynecologist Niels Lund
